Multi-level marketings
Multi-level marketing (MLM) also known as network marketing is a type of marketing strategy where a company encourages existing employees or distributors to recruit new employees for the sale of their products or services. In addition to the money made by existing employees on direct sales to customers, they are also paid a percentage of the commission of their recruit's sale.
To set up multi-level marketing for your affiliate program, you can go to the Multi-Level markings section from Settings tab in the admin panel.
You can select the number of levels and then set the commission percentage for each level.
To set the number of levels, you can select the levels in the drop-down menu.
For example: Here we set the number of levels to 2. We will have the parent affiliate called "Partner 1" who will have a sub-affiliate below him called "Partner 2" and further down we will also have another affiliate called "Partner 3."
In the Commission Per Level section, you can set up the commission rates for each level of the network.
For example: Here we set up the commission rates for Level 1 as 10 percent and Level 2 as 5 percent. If Partner 3 referred the sale, they will earn the referral commission. Partner 2 will earn the level 1 commission and Partner 1 will earn the level 2 commission
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