Essential affiliate marketing terms you should know

AFFILIATE MARKETING: a type of marketing that is based on performance.

In affiliate marketing, affiliates are paid for successfully promoting a product or a service.

AFFILIATE: a person or organization that promotes offers.

Affiliates are usually publishers (owners of web sites or mobile applications), media buyers, or ad networks. Affiliates are sometimes also called partners, publishers and external marketers.

AFFILIATE PROGRAM: an arrangement in which the advertiser pays commissions to affiliates.

The commission model is usually based on actions performed by users. It usually involves lead generation, subscription to a service, etc.

AFFILIATE LINK: Affiliate link is generated automatically by our app when affiliates register to the campaign. Affiliate will use that link to promote the merchant shop and any order made through that link will become a referral order.

AFFILIATE ORDERS: any order made by customers thanks to affiliate will be counted as a referral order.

COMMISSIONS: Affiliate Commission is a type of marketing performance-based commission in which a company rewards an affiliate for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

AFFILIATE NETWORK (Multi-level marketing): the commission an affiliate would get if the affiliate who they invited to the affiliate network brings a affiliate orders.

CREATIVES: brand assets available for affiliates to use to promote your products. This will make promotion easy on your affiliates, as they have images and text links pre-made, and you can control how your brand is represented.

LANDING PAGE: a website or webpage to which affiliates refer traffic.

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